Very pleased to have been notified that I have had 8 prints accepted into the 91st Scottish International Photography Exhibition 2014.
Three of the prints also won awards, including a FIAP Gold Medal for "Redemption" for Best Colour print in The Exhibition.
FIAP Gold & SPF Gold Medals
The other two awards received were an SPF (Scottish Photographic Federation) Gold Medal for "Lewis" and an HM (Honourable Mention) for "Watch Dog"
The Scottish Salon receives entries from photographers from all around the World, on average from fifty countries with the main support coming from the Four Home Countries, and Europe. It is one of only two International Photographic Salons in Scotland, and amongst the oldest in the world, first having been run in 1904. (source
The Federation lnternationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP)
The Scottish International Salon of Photography is an International Show of Photographic expertise and received International recognition in 2014 from: -
The Federation lnternationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP)
(International Federation of the Art of Photography)
The competition is Judged by International Judges, who select approx. 25% of the best photographs to form an Exhibition. The exhibition will be on view to the general public between the 3rd and 15th May 2014 in Calderglen Country Park, East Kilbride.