Anyone that follows my exhibition work knows that I am a firm believer and supporter of printing work, and supporting exhibitions that promote print, and this includes home county International Photography Exhibitions that have a print entry.
One of the home county exhibitions is the Yorkshire International Photography Exhibition, organised by the Yorkshire Photographic Union, and is open to entry from professional and amateur photographers worldwide.
In 2014 I was awarded the best author award of the FIAP Blue Badge, from a worldwide entry from 771 authors, entering 6,400 images.
In 2015 I was again awarded the fIAP Blue Badge for the best author award, from a worldwide entry from 534 authors, entering 5,167 images.
Incredibly, in 2016, I have once again, for the 3rd year running, been awarded the best author award and the fIAP Blue Badge from an entry of 516 authors, entering 5,156 images.
A Hat Trick!!!
To say I feel honoured and privileged to be just a part of the exhibition, let alone to take the best author award for the last three years is an understatement, and the organisers at the YPU deserve much credit for organising and facilitating the running of the exhibition.
All my printing
The Yorkshire Internation Exhibition 2016 had patronage from both The PSA PSA2016-245 (Photographic Society of America) and FIAP 2016/309 (Federation of International Art and Photography)
The Exhibition had 6 sections, Open Colour Print, Monochrome Print, Landscape Print, Open PDI, Nature PDI and Travel PDI.
The distinguished judges for the exhibition entry were:
Dianne Owen FRPS
Kevin Bedford DPAGB EFIAP
Andrea Hargreaves DPAGB EFIAP BPE2*
Gordon Jenkins APAGB
And I think they did a great job!
Total exhibition statistics, worldwide entries from 516 authors entering 5,156 images, eligible to professional and amateur photographers.
I was once again, extremely proud to have had 18 images accepted into the exhibition, with 3 of those winning individual international awards.
Accepted images into the Yorkshire International Photography Exhibition 2016
Individual awarded images in the Yorkshire International Exhibition 2016
My personal tally of best author awards in international photography exhibitions and FIAP Blue Badges now stands at 12!