Professional Imaging - Nijkek 2015
I recently made my annual visit to The Netherlands to visit Professional Imaging in Nijkerk. This event has become one of my favourites for a number of reasons.
The event itself is really busy but relaxed, well ran and features excellent stands from all the top manufacturers around the world, and also has top speakers, including good friend Glyn Dewis, Scott Kelby, Bert Monroy, Frank Doorhoff and Terry White gracing The Adobe Stage.
Scott Kelby
Glyn Dewis
Ronald Koster and Adrian Sommeling
Olympus Shoot Area
The Olympus stand was as normal one of the highlights, well laid out with plenty of hands on available to try the cameras and lenses out in a relaxed and helpful way.
Olympus also had two of the biggest names in photography shooting live portraits. Ronald Koster and Adrian Sommeling took many hundred of portraits each day and was a huge source of interest to visitors at the event.
Some of the people you meet at this event who were visiting are incredibly creative. This guy had stripped out a camera nd made his won extendable camera system which he operated from a home made remote control, awesome stuff!
And the awesome train network!