The Great British Small Print Circuit is an annual international print circuit open to world wide entries, and carries patronage of both PSA (Photographic Society of America) and FIAP (Federation of International Artists and Photographers). The print circuit is organised by and ran by West Cumbria Photo Group.
Hugs - FIAP Gold Medal
As many of you will know, I support print exhibitions as much as I can, as Im a firm believer that work should be printed, and any exhibition that supports that view will have my support whenever possible. A digital image is not a photograph, but merely a representation of that photograph, and until an image is printed and viewed as it should be, its an unfinished process.
Goodbye My Friend - Selectors Medal
I entered a mix of prints into the exhibition circuit, and won a FIAP Gold Medal for Hugs, a selector award for Goodbye My Friend, and six Honourable Mention Awards.