Back in July 2015 I got the opportunity to shoot the newly launched Olympus 7-14mm f/2.8 Pro M. Zuiko ED Lens. Link here to previous post
I bought the lens shortly later and its been a real work horse ever since, probably my most used lens at the moment. I shot virtually exclusively on this lens on a recent trip to Manhattan.

I needed a solution to be able to attach filters to the front of the lens, the architecture and design of the lens does not allow for the traditional way of attaching filters, so I needed to seek a solution.
I posted in one of The Olympus User Groups and was offered a number of solutions by other group members.
The reason to use filters on the lens is to control light, the amount entering the lens to slow down the shutter without burning out details in the highlights, and also to control brighter areas in the frame, such as where the sun is bright in the sky to balance the scene out.

As well as being incredibly well built, sharp and optically excellent with no perceivable CA, the lens is resistant to flaring, which is a huge accomplishment in the Olympus engineering of this lens. Wide lenses are usually prone to flaring very easily, but I have found this not to be the case with the 7-14mm.
I'll post a fuller blog post in a few months about the filter and lens combination, but so far its a very positive experience.