Photographer of the Year 2014
This weekend saw a round of judging of prints and projected images in the L&CPU's (Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union) "Annual Individuals Competition".
Its a competition that is open to members of Camera Clubs and Photographic Societies affiliated to The L&CPU. The L&CPU Federation serves over 90 member organisations in The Northwest of England, and is one of 15 national federations in The UK.
The competition is split into 3 print sections, and 3 PDI (Projected Digital Images) sections, with each section containing up to 4 images. The images were scored numerically by 3 International level judges, and the scores totalled for each section.
The scores were then amalgamated and an overall winner of The Print and DPI sections was found. The "Photographer of the Year" overall winner being found after combining both Print and PDI scores together.
I won the "The Print Worker of the Year" on day 1 of judging, for having the highest amount of print points from the 12 prints I had entered. On day 2 of judging I came joint 8th in The DPI Competitions.
The addition of the points across the 2 days of judging from 24 images, earned me the title "2014 Photographer of the Year"
A very prestigious title that I'm more than happy to hold. This has been won in the past by people I have admired the work of for a number of years, so to have the honour of winning it myself is really special.
Manhattan Smooch
A massive thank you has to go out to the people that organise and run these events, without them and their dedication, we just wouldn't have the events!
We have one of the strongest and best Federations in the country and the world, and its the good work from the people involved in running them, that make it that way.
Logo and name copyright L&CPU
Further information and contacts:
Lancashire & Cheshire Photographic Union web