Personal projects are important to me and I always like to have a few on the go at any one time. A few weeks ago I had an idea for a picture and decided to put it together. It featured a Rabbit headed person sitting at a desk emailing. This was a project that needed only imagination, and I starred in all the pictures firing the camera from a remote shutter release or timer. Visualising the picture but not having the benefit of setting the picture through the viewfinder and direct a model, made me appreciate more the way models work, and how the smallest of changes in body position can make a massive difference to the feel of a picture. It was worth me doing the project for that alone, as thats made me appreciate more the great models I normally work with and their talent.
The picture below is an emailing Rabbit, with his alter ego floating around in the frame, he's obviously up to no good, while his alter ego is thinking he's saving the world.
Emailer Rabbit
The picture was fun to make and was very well received by people, which spurred me on to make some more.
Selfie Rabbit
This picture is Selfie Rabbit. Selfie Rabbit is featuring his alter ego on his cellphone.
At time of writing there are 12 pictures in the set, and I have many more ideas for pictures to add.
Rabbit set
Each image features a Rabbit headed person sitting at a desk, and the task is to portray something, be it emotion, an idea or symbolism in a subtle way. Some of the pictures are designed to be unsettling, others have a comic element in them, but they all can mean different things to different viewers. Working different elements into pictures is a fun thing to do, and takes a little thought and preperation.
Twister Rabbit
I will be running workshops experience days starting in August 2014, and will feature the concept, planning and creation of making a picture such as one of the Rabbit pictures.
The details will be on the website soon.
With many more Rabbit ideas in mind, this series and project may be running for some time yet. The current line up of Rabbits can be seen here.