Redemption - RPS Silver Medal
I've purposely not entered International exhibitions for some time now, mainly because I hit the ground running when I started to enter them a few years ago. and my early success meant that I had qualified by way of accepted number of works, and counties exhibited in, for two distinction awards from FIAP (La Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique).
Goodbye My Friend - Highly Commended
The problem is, that there is a qualifying time period of 12 months that has to be met between applying for each distinction award, and any accepted work after the second distinction award is made, in effect resets the number of acceptances of work you can count towards the third distinction award, and you start from zero again. I had reached the count requirements for both distinction awards within 6 months. So it made little sense to continue to exhibit work from that point on until the time periods had elapsed.
Manhattan Showers - Highly Commended
I do however support International exhibitions from our own home counties, and The Midland Salon is in its 65th year, so I decided to submit work in prints and digital format.
International exhibitions receive thousands of entries from all over the world. So I was very pleased to have 18 pieces of work accepted into the exhibition, with four of them winning awards.
After the Music Stops - Highly Commended
The Exhibition runs from 13th to the 21st September 2014, at The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury B69 2AS.