35th Northern Counties International Salon of Photography 2014
This Photography exhibition is organised by The Northern Counties Photographic Federation, and is one of the top International Print exhibitions in the UK, and the world.
RPS Gold Medal
Worldwide entries are accepted into the exhibition, and it is sanctioned and affiliated by FIAP, The PSA, The RPS and UPI.
The salon produces one of the finest international exhibitons in the world, and The Print Exhibition is shown in 22 venues across The Northern Counties of England.
I am currently on a break from International exhibition work, but will always support the home counties exhibitions when I can. The Northern Counties being one of my favourite exhibitions received images from me for consideration to be accepted into the exhibition.
I had 16 pieces of work accepted into the 2014 exhibition, with 4 of them winning awards.
"Ruby Templeston-Stone" won an RPS Gold Medal for best print, "Lewis" and "Goodbye my Friend" were both awarded PSA Ribbons, and "Quasher" was highly commended.
The photograph of Ruby Templeston-Stone was taken when photographing in Holland earlier this year. Ruby is a Steampunk Enthusiast who makes her own outfits and was a pleasure to photograph.
Ruby Templeston-Stone - RPS Gold Medal Award - Best Print