Chorley Photographic Society recently held its annual awards night.
It was great to see the club full, with many new members coming along also.
The night was ran by The President Will Stead who did a sterling job handing out awards and keeping the night ticking along supported by Geoff Clarke.
Its an honour and pleasure being a member at Chorley PS, it is one of the top clubs in the UK, and was placed 5th in the UK National Projected Digital Image championships earlier this year.
Awards Received
I collected awards for:
League Competition Prints 1st
Annual Competition Colour PDI 1st
Annual Competition PDI Mono 1st
Annual Competition Best Creative Colour Print
Annual Competition PDI Colour Best Portrait
Annual Competition Prints Best Overall Worker
Annual Competition PDI Best Overall Worker
Annual Competition Best Overall Worker Combined
I also received a further 4 awards I didn't know about beforehand, for pictures used to represent the club in the Photographic Society of America's competitions. The clubs External Competition Secretary Jane Lines does fantastic work in selecting and entering the clubs National and International competition entries and representation.